Drones have come a long way in recent years. Long gone are the days in which UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles) are strictly a military or specialized term. In fact, the drone industry in America alone is slated to be a $13 billion industry by 2025.

Drones, like most technology, are becoming more and more incorporated into the fabrics of our lives.

So how does this work on the business side of things?

While drones have many uses and applications, one of the hottest uses of this technological marvel is for aerial photography. Specifically, using aerial imaging to safely and effectively perform home and roof inspections.

Houston is a massive city that is always growing. People and businesses are constantly moving and growing and part of that process is inspecting to ensure the integrity of homes and roofs is still sound and secure. Combine this with the intense weather these buildings must endure, and regular inspections are simply a necessity.

Safety is Job #1 in Home Inspection

One of the biggest obstacles inspectors face is safety. It is pretty obvious that with everything involved in climbing a ladder, maneuvering around uneven, foreign territory above the ground, and the threat of other miscellaneous factors that come with working outdoors can create a potentially dangerous work environment.

The last thing anyone wants is for someone to get hurt. By using drones, it eliminates some, if not all, of the time an inspector would traditionally spend in these dangerous conditions.

Aerial photography protects the inspector from the physical harm and home or business owners from any hindrance that could come with a potential accident. Less risk of injury for the inspector means that in addition to their protection, it is less likely an accident would occur and put the owner in an unsavory position regarding liability. Drones are also able to easily maneuver in areas that may otherwise be too risky to access or downright impossible by man.

At the end of the day, drones create a safer work environment that provides peace of mind for everyone involved, and a better service rendered during the actual home inspection.

Accurate Inspection Data at Your Fingertips

Safely navigating various heights has been needed in the past because there were few to no other options, but of course, using drones for home or roof inspections can cause some to have concerns.

How do you know that the data collected is accurate and usable?

Thankfully, with the advances in modern technology, such as the state of the art DroneDeploy app, inspections are done quicker and with more accuracy than ever before. Various stats and measurements can be acquired via aerial photography and used in a smart device while on location. This provides not only a more accurate way to collect data but also a more efficient method of sorting through it. Data collected via drone photography include:

  • High-resolution maps
  • 3D models
  • Square footage
  • Roof features
  • Pitch
  • Surface area
  • Slope
  • Pinpointed areas that may show leaks, cracks, damage, etc.

Thermal imaging can take this even farther to provide next level analysis that goes beyond the human eye. By using drones in connection with thermal imaging, inspectors can get a comprehensive look at potentially missed problems and it can all be done from the safety of the ground during the actual job.

More Information, Fewer Costs for Inspectors

The collection of data and the factor that said data can be provided on-site means that the time and costs of an inspection can be lowered using an aerial photographer. This allows for money saving opportunities by using the data in conjunction with your team all on site, offering you the luxury of collaborating in real time, thus cutting project time by a considerable amount.

Using the increased data and views a drone gives an inspector, they are also able to potentially find problems they may have otherwise missed. The quicker and more effectively a problem is spotted, the better for the client, as it can help you make a more informed decision and avoid unwanted headaches and costs in the future.

Find Your Drone Pilot

While these days almost anyone can own or pilot a drone, why risk something as important as your home inspection to just anyone?

If you are looking to get a comprehensive home or roof inspection, get in contact with the FAA approved experts at Professional Drone Services of Houston. Our quick, insured, and efficient pilots are leaders in aerial photography and can meet all of your home or business’s inspection needs.